Dr. Nadja Maurer is a Hamburg based social anthropologist and researcher. Her research interests include peace processes and post-war orders, statehood, violence, conflict resolution, policing and security. Die Forschungsstelle für strategische Polizeiforschung der Polizeiakademie Hamburg … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberHarte Fronten: Drogen, Rassismusvorwürfe und ein Legitimationsdefizit der Polizei
Interview with Jack Katz (Part 3/3): Confrontation with Chaos
Dr. Nadja Maurer is a social anthropologist and researcher at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research. Her research interests include peace processes / post-war orders, statehood, violence and security. She is currently conducting comparative research on violence in peace processes in … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberInterview with Jack Katz (Part 3/3): Confrontation with Chaos
Interview with Jack Katz (Part 2/3): On Fieldwork, Data, and Writing
Dr. Nadja Maurer is a social anthropologist and researcher at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research. Her research interests include peace processes / post-war orders, statehood, violence and security. She is currently conducting comparative research on violence in peace processes in … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberInterview with Jack Katz (Part 2/3): On Fieldwork, Data, and Writing
Interview with Jack Katz (Part 1/3): „Enigmas Attract Me“
Dr. Nadja Maurer is a social anthropologist and researcher at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research. Her research interests include peace processes / post-war orders, statehood, violence and security. She is currently conducting comparative research on violence in peace processes in … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberInterview with Jack Katz (Part 1/3): „Enigmas Attract Me“