Die folgende Seite bietet eine Übersicht über die jeweils zwanzig aktuellsten Fachartikel in einigen der bekanntesten und einflussreichsten kriminologischen Journals.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
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British Journal of Criminology
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Crime & Delinquency
- Impact of Crisis Communication Strategies by Muslim Organizations in the Aftermath of Islamist Terrorist Attacks: An Experimental Eye Tracking Study
- Hybridization or Salad Bar Ideology? Testing Ideological Convergence Within the American Violent Far Right
- Building Democratic Resilience: Protecting the Public Sphere From Violent Extremism
- Analyzing Radicalization Dynamics in the Language of Non-Violent Extremists Online in the UK (2016–2021): A Longitudinal Analysis of Britain First, 5 Pillars, and Earth First!
- Security Theatrics: The Role of Visual Cues in Simulated Attacker Target Selection
- An Assessment of the Harms Associated With Ideologically Motivated Cyberattacks
- Citizen-Driven Firearm Safety Policies in a Rural Pennsylvania County
- “Cops Need Doxxed”: Releasing Personal Information of Police Officers as a Tool of Political Harassment
- Spatial Inequalities Among Urban Probation Populations: Supervision, Safety, and Ecological Considerations
- Illegal Earnings, Opportunity Structures and the Timing of Life Transitions
Crime, Media and Culture
- Book Review: Sound, Order and Survival in Prison: The Rhythms and Routines of HMP Midtown
- Doing good, doing wrong, doing time and doing harm: Criminalising the marginal in charity shops
- Civil War: A film review
- School Copaganda in the US South: Tinsel, twinkle, and police-youth programming
- Book review: Unsaid: Analyzing Harmful Silences
- Book review: A Philosophical History of Police Power
- From conspiracy to normalcy: The mainstreaming of QAnon in “Disney grooming” messages online
- The platformisation of illicit drug markets: How datafication, technological affordances, and platform-mediated labour practices shape illicit drug markets
- Vile Sovereignty: The carnival of power
- Techno-digital policing and speculative fictions: Towards a criminology of the future
- Book Review: Semiotics of Rape: Sexual Subjectivity and Violation in Rural India
- The Great Resignation
- Skateboard crime and the pirating of urban space
- Seduction of far-right actions: A pathway to an authentic self?
- “Little wars with the police”: Aesthetic arsenals and intellects of insult
- Film review: The Forever Purge
- Community-oriented copaganda: Anti-Black violence in a visual archive of policing
- Reflecting on Gray Cavender
Criminal Justice Studies
- Research note: examining the connection of organizational citizenship behaviors with supervisor and management trust among correctional staff
- Does depth of information matter? An empirical test of the Marshall hypothesis
- Differential treatment by citizenship within European criminal justice systems
- LGBTQ+ identity and delinquency: the importance of negative emotions and social bonds
- LGBTQ+ identity and delinquency: the importance of negative emotions and social bonds
- Redefining forgiveness in restorative justice
- Redefining forgiveness in restorative justice
- Courtroom decorum and the rules of conduct: accounts of homicide co-victims’ experiences during criminal justice proceedings
- Courtroom decorum and the rules of conduct: accounts of homicide co-victims’ experiences during criminal justice proceedings
- The effects of public service motivation on criminal justice students’ perceptions of vocational fit
- The effects of public service motivation on criminal justice students’ perceptions of vocational fit
- Per imaginem ad Veritatem: joint fantasizing of Crime
- Per imaginem ad Veritatem: joint fantasizing of Crime
- Understanding the decline: a procedural justice approach to the key factors behind the downward shift in opinions of police
- Understanding the decline: a procedural justice approach to the key factors behind the downward shift in opinions of police
- Research note: jail staff views of inmate medical care and fear of being at risk
- Research note: jail staff views of inmate medical care and fear of being at risk
- Understanding marijuana use initiation vs. Frequency of use on risk for hallucinogen use: testing for mediating mechanisms underlying the gateway hypothesis
- Understanding marijuana use initiation vs. Frequency of use on risk for hallucinogen use: testing for mediating mechanisms underlying the gateway hypothesis
- Understanding the role of street network configurations in the placement of illegitimately operating facilities
- The accumulated impact of critical incident exposure on correctional officers’ mental health
- Reactive guardianship: Who intervenes? How? And why?
- Community representation and policing: Effects on Black civilians
- Understanding community hate crimes as an incorrigible proposition: Local political attitudes, path dependence, and the ceremonious reporting of hate crime statistics
- Leaving the gang is good for your health: A stress process perspective on disengagement from gangs
- Issue Information
- The social foundations of racial inequalities in arrest over the life course and in changing times
- Reframing the debate on legal financial obligations and crime: How accruing monetary sanctions impacts recidivism
- Macro?historical influences, cohort dynamics, and the (in)stability of the age–crime distribution: The case of the Republic of Korea
- Firearms, policy, and intimate partner homicide: A structural and disaggregated examination of Black, Latina, and White female victimization
- Creating a minority threat: Assessing the spillover effect of local immigrant detention on Hispanic arrests
- Pulling back the veil of darkness: A proposed road map to disentangle racial disparities in traffic stops, a research note
- Urban greenspace and neighborhood crime
- Officer diversity may reduce Black Americans’ fear of the police
- Issue Information
- Degrees of difference: Do college credentials earned behind bars improve labor market outcomes?
- Homicides involving Black victims are less likely to be cleared in the United States
Critical Criminology
- The Deportation Regime in the Sanctuary City: Reformist Sanctuary Policies, Law Enforcement Legitimization, and Universal Representation in New York City
- Imposed Mobility, Legal Ambiguity, Institutionalized Abandonment: Exploring the Sex Work Crimscape in Contemporary Poland
- “I’ve Been Hurt Every Single Day Here, You Know:” A Feminist Abolitionist Analysis of Immigration Detention
- A Place of Safety? Women, Crimmigration Control and a Stigmatised Identity
- Drug Trafficking as Crime Against Humanity: Global Moral Panics and Drugs at the United Nations
- Lost on the Road to Prosperity: Trajectories to Drug Dealing of the Chinese Heroin Generation
- Exploring Immigration Detention at the Intersection of Federal Grant Funding, Sanctuary, and Political Majorities in 2015
- Illegally Crossing an Open Border: The Experiences of Venezuelan Women’s Journeys to Colombia Through Unauthorised Routes
- The Spirit of Ultra-Realism: Meditations on Metaphysics and Criminal Etiology
- Critical Criminology, Special Issue Introduction: Critical Engagements with Gender, Race and Class in Crimmigration Controls
- Immigration Enforcement and the Criminal Record: Using the Secure Communities Program to Understand the Role of Criminal History in ICE Enforcement
- Ways of “Not Hearing”: Corporate Denial in the Case of Aircraft Noise and Victimisation in the UK
- Hyper-policing the Homeless: Lived Experience and the Perils of Benevolent and Malevolent Policing
- Crimmigration Practices and Narratives Resisting and Justifying Mass Deportation in the Central Valley of California
- Using Speculative Fiction to Imagine Queer Abolition Real Utopias
- Structural Intersections, Hierarchical Citizenship and Criminalization of the Migrant in Assam
- Introduction: The Criminalization-to-Deportation Pipeline in the United States—A Special Issue for Critical Criminology
- The Institutional Hearing Program and the Incarceration-to-Deportation Pipeline
- Editorial (Critical Criminology)
- Indigent Injustice: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of People’s Criminal Legal Outcomes
European Journal of Criminology
- Dealing with privilege in a Nordic welfare state? How experiences with, and perceptions of, police, markets, and violence shape decision-making among affluent drug dealers
- Assessing the role of COVID-19 stressors on perceptions of police misconduct in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Corporate offending in Dutch inland shipping: A trajectory analysis
- A meta-evaluative synthesis of the effects of custodial and community-based offender rehabilitation
- Non-consensual intimate image distribution: Nature, removal, and implications for the Online Safety Act
- Self-legitimacy of prison workers: A comparative study in Slovenian prisons
- Punitiveness of society and criminal policy in six Central European countries
- Inside the slippery world of glass eel trafficking: Lessons learned from Spain to prevent the illegal trade of European eels
- Exploring the factors influencing prison incentive scheme status among adult males: A prospective longitudinal study
- The risk and protective factors for entering organized crime groups and their association with different entering mechanisms: A systematic review using ASReview
- Examining trust in the police and justice system among ethnic minority members: The case of Moroccan- and Turkish-Dutch citizens in the Netherlands
- Urban routines, spatial occupancy, and their effects on outdoor crime in Barcelona
- Estimating the incapacitation effect among first-time incarcerated offenders
- Immigrant threat, perception of unsafety, and political articulation of immigration and multiculturalism in European countries
- Comparing the criminal careers of organized crime offenders in Italy and the Netherlands
- What is a ‘good enough’ prison? An empirical analysis of key thresholds using prison moral quality data
- Moral foundations in gender violence cases decided in Portuguese courts
- Faithful and fearful: Does religion promote or reduce fear of crime in Germany?
Punishment & Society
- A measure of justice: Citizen legal advocates, lay lawyering, and access to justice in Russia
- Accessing the right to vote among system-impacted people
- Liability chains and access to justice
- Retribution for tribal sovereignty: Settler colonial policing and civil justice impacts
- Arresting movement: The history of German immigration detention beyond the camp
- The changing landscapes of immigration detention
- ‘Standing with Soldier F’: Bloody Sunday, disrupting the degradation ceremony and the court of public opinion
- Penal-welfare systems in a (post)colonial world: The rise and disregard of alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in South Africa
- “The COVID-19 Murders”: Prison death-worlds and the fatal convenience of crisis
- A path to tertiary desistance: A qualitative metasynthesis
- Book review: Impending Challenges to Penal Moderation in France and Germany: A Strained Restraint by Kirstin Drenkhahn, Fabien Jobard and Tobias Singelnstein
- Contaminated memories: How formerly incarcerated mothers remember their pasts and imagine their futures
- Penal extractivism: A qualitative study on punishment and extractive industries in Peru
- Access to jeopardy: The legal hybridity of criminal-civil debt in the United States
- Book review: Victimhood, Memory and Consumerism. Profiting from Pablo by Katja Franko and David R. Goyes
- The pains of prison reform: Informal prisoner governance and penal subjectivities in Estonia and Lithuania
- Contextualizing Indigenous people and the state of exception: New Zealand's Waikeria Prison protest
- Bordered welfare in Australia: Income management as a bordering technology of neoliberal and colonial governance
- Playing “mental judo”: Mapping staff compassion in Canadian federal prisons
- Understanding carceral mobilities in and through lived experiences of incarceration
Theoretical Criminology
- Book Review: Making Surveillance Public: Why You Should Be More Woke About AI and Algorithms by Marc Schuilenburg
- Legitimation work in privatized criminal justice: Softening, shrinking, and signaling
- Book Review: The Sensation of Security: Private Guards and Social Order in Brazil by Erika Robb Larkins
- Hyper-agency and county lines
- Probation and the shadow carceral state: Legal envisioning from Minnesota
- Gendering postcolonial penality: The religious detention of women in Ireland
- Book Review: Collateral Damages: Landlords and the Urban Housing Crisis by Meredith J. Greif
- Prison places, foreign prisoners and the Danish welfare state: Towards a conceptualization of prison space as a welfare resource
- The epistemic power of the police
- Pains of privacy: Mapping carceral practices onto electronic monitoring
- Book Review: Migrant Homelessness and the Crimmigration Control System by Regina Serpa
- Book Review: Prisons of Debt: The Afterlives of Incarcerated Fathers by Lynne Haney
- Book Review: Defund the Police: An International Insurrection by Chris Cunneen
- Book Review: Crime, Violence, and Justice in Latin America by Carlos Solar, and Carlos A Pérez Ricart
- Exploring the impact of algorithmic policing on social justice: Developing a framework for rhizomatic harm in the pre-crime society
- Regulating mobility through detention: Understanding the new geography of control and containment at the Southern European border
- Border penality as antagonistic politics
- Emerging penality: Shifting ideologies, reconciliations and clashes
- Human rights paradox: Explaining the undeportability of irregular Chinese migrants in the UK
- Strip-searching as abjectification: Racism and sexual violence in British policing