Die folgende Seite bietet eine Übersicht über die jeweils zwanzig aktuellsten Fachartikel in einigen der bekanntesten und einflussreichsten kriminologischen Journals.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
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British Journal of Criminology
- Time and Punishment: New Contexts and Perspectives. By Carr Nicola and RobinsonGwen (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 257pp. £99.00 hbk)
- Unlocking Learning: International Perspectives on Education in Prison. By McDevitt Justin and Gellman Mneesha (Brandeis University Press, 2024, 307pp. £35.00 pbk)
- Digital Transformations of Illicit Drug Markets: Reconfiguration and Continuity. By Tzanetakis Meropi and South Nigel (eds) (Emerald, 2023, 183pp., open access)
- No Justice, No Police? The Politics of Protest and Social Change. Edited by Clement Matt (Zero Books, 2023, 356pp. £17.99 pbk)
- Pulling Back the Curtain on the California Gang Database: Evidence of Racial, Ethnic and Gender Disparities Among 222 Law Enforcement Agencies
- Policing Sport Mega-Events: Security, Spectacle, and Camouflage in Rio De Janeiro. By Pauschinger Dennis (Oxford University Press, 2024, 289pp. £90.00 hbk)
- Nationalist Soundscapes: The Sonic Violence of the Far Right
- Modern Slavery and the Punitive–Humanitarian Complex
- COVID-19 and the New Pains of Imprisonment
- Managing Trouble Along a Continuum of Accountability: On Police Practices for Dealing with Less-Than-Competent Subjects
Crime & Delinquency
- Innovations and Advancements in Criminological Approaches to Terrorism and Violent Extremism
- The Relationship Between Academic Performance and Delinquent Behavior: Focusing on Strains Among Students With Unsatisfactory Academic Performance
- Redefining Recidivism Prediction: The Impact of Race and Geographic Location in Machine Learning Models
- Teachers as Beacons of Hope: The Mediating Role of Future Expectations on the Association Between Student-Teacher Relationships and Justice-Involved Adolescents’ Grades and Offending
- Stolen Valor? Examining the Associations Between Military Service, Data Breach Victimization, and Identity Theft Victimization
- Incarcerated Women and Mental Illness: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
- Patterns of Early Risk Factors for Juvenile Justice Outcomes in Youth with High-Incidence Disabilities
- Incel Beliefs and Support for Political Violence Among U.S. Males: The Mediating Effects of Masculinity Stress, Aggression, Outgroup Hate, and Illiberalism
- Patterns of (Mis)Behavior: An Assessment of Predictors of Institutional Misconduct Among Elderly Incarcerated Individuals
- Prison Personnel Solutions for Reducing and Improving the Appropriate Use and Effectiveness of Extended Restrictive Housing
Crime, Media and Culture
- Book Review: Social Movements and Protest Politics
- The surprising spectacle of splashing soup: Critical reflections on climate protests targeting art
- Displaying devotion in social media: Letter TikToks by the partners of incarcerated people
- “An epidemic of violence”: Examining U.S. news media depictions of anti-trans fatal violence in 2022
- Stockpiling moral panics: The politics of anxiety and the securitization of ‘panic buyers’ in news media reporting of Covid-19
- Exploring the value of queer archives in queer criminology: Interrogating narratives of incarceration and offending
- From criminalization to erasure: Project 2025 and anti-trans legislation in the US
- Out of the shadows: A photo-essay of antipodean colonisation, resistance and massacres
- Policing harm reduction: A case study of who counts as human
- Can detective fiction save liberal democracy? On the performative functions of crime control in the Czech TV series The Nineties
- Beyond “pleasant lies”: The “fictionalizing tendencies” in family members’ narratives of men’s violence
- From defund to refund the police: The hegemonic rupture and repair of policing logics
- “We cannot win this fight if we don’t acknowledge any such fight exists”: Examining media coverage of Black women’s risk for intimate partner violence
- Sexual terrorism in the post-pandemic nightlife? A feminist critical discourse analysis of the needle spiking media coverage
- Book review: Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power: Community Organizing in Radical Times
- “I don’t like guns but having one in Winnipeg right now would feel safer”: Crime, liquor theft, and online fantasies of punishment and control
- ‘It’s tantalising evidence .?.?. . but you’ve got to look at the wider picture’: Rap music as evidence in joint enterprise cases
- Human control and ‘management’ of nonhuman animals: New research directions for green criminology
- Review essay
- Legal hostilities: Navigating queerness, emotion, and space in asylum law
Criminal Justice Studies
- Examining antecedents of corrections officers’ fear at work
- Correction
- Examining fifty cases of convicted online romance fraud offenders
- Creating prosocial environments in prison: Insights from the lived experiences in character-based units
- We need better mental health court data
- Examining the effects of a trauma-informed yoga curriculum on incarcerated individuals
- AI in terrorism sentencing: evaluating predictive accuracy and ethical implications
- Research note: examining the connection of organizational citizenship behaviors with supervisor and management trust among correctional staff
- Does depth of information matter? An empirical test of the Marshall hypothesis
- Differential treatment by citizenship within European criminal justice systems
- Why are state prison populations shrinking? A research note
- Issue Information
- The ecology of business environments and consequences for crime
- Do austerity cuts spare police budgets? Welfare?to?carceral realignment during fiscal crises
- Citizenship, legal status, and misdemeanor justice
- Gains–loss asymmetry of jobs, income, and risk?taking behaviors
- The waiting game: Anticipatory stress and its proliferation during jail incarceration
- A prosecutor's “ideal” sexual assault case: A mixed?method approach to understanding sexual assault case processing
- Of deviance and patriarchy: Mechanisms of gender discrimination in public?sector corruption
- The promise and perils of the sharing economy: The impact of Airbnb lettings on crime
- Issue Information
- Understanding the role of street network configurations in the placement of illegitimately operating facilities
- The accumulated impact of critical incident exposure on correctional officers’ mental health
- Reactive guardianship: Who intervenes? How? And why?
- Community representation and policing: Effects on Black civilians
- Understanding community hate crimes as an incorrigible proposition: Local political attitudes, path dependence, and the ceremonious reporting of hate crime statistics
- Leaving the gang is good for your health: A stress process perspective on disengagement from gangs
- Issue Information
- The social foundations of racial inequalities in arrest over the life course and in changing times
- Reframing the debate on legal financial obligations and crime: How accruing monetary sanctions impacts recidivism
Critical Criminology
- Cumulative Disadvantages in the Brazilian Criminal Justice System: Is Pretrial Detention a Source of Racial Disparities?
- Interventionitis in the Criminal Justice System: Three English Cases
- Editorial (32)3
- Lifting the Veil of Ignorance: Prison Cruelty, Sentencing Theory, and the Failure of Liberal Retributivism
- Benedict, R. W. (2023). Incarceration and Older Women: Giving Back Not Giving Up. (L. Presser & B. Easterling, Eds.). Bristol University Press. 134 pp. ISBN: 1529231612 (Hardcover), ISBN: 9781529231687 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.4953558
- The Control of “Wandering Women:” The Legacy of Vagrancy Laws in the Contemporary Governance of Migrant Sex Work
- Insecurity and Fragility: The Perpetual Duo of Precarity for ‘Convict Criminologists’ in a Risk Averse Academy
- The Effects of Criminalisation on Activists: The Case of the NoTAP Environmental Movement
- “… Here I Went Through Deportation – Which was also Torture for Me”: Air-Deportations and Liberal Violence in Great Britain
- Salman, S. (2023). The Shaming State: How the U.S. Treats Citizens in Need. New York University Press. 248 pp. ISBN: 9,781,479,814,541 (Paperback)
- Challenging Crimmigration Racialising Politics Through Co-creative Filmmaking with Migrant Sex Workers
- Mountain Myths: Examining the Hierarchy of Whiteness in Film
- Re-contextualising Institutional-Anomie Theory in Turkey: Institutional Breakdown and Crime Rise
- The Dominance of Individualism and Positivism: Trends of Theorizing Sexual Victimization/Perpetration in Higher Education, 2013–2022
- Navigating Contradictory Demands: An Analysis of Corporate Responses to Regulatory Hardening
- Carceral Logics in Benevolent Places: How Institutions of Care Criminalize Justice-Involved Black Mothers
- Against Reformism: Anarchy and Green Criminology
- Lost on the Road to Prosperity: Trajectories to Drug Dealing of the Chinese Heroin Generation
- Indigent Injustice: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of People’s Criminal Legal Outcomes
- Ways of “Not Hearing”: Corporate Denial in the Case of Aircraft Noise and Victimisation in the UK
European Journal of Criminology
- Explaining fear of cybercrime: A focus on interpersonal and property cybercrime differences
- Common knowledge? Awareness of national and international oversight bodies among incarcerated individuals in Spain
- Why they do it and why they don’t: Self-interest vs. altruistic tendencies as explanations of criminal behavior
- Radicalizing spaces: Neighbourhood effects on susceptibility to radicalization
- Attitudes towards violence against women among second-generation refugee, migrant and native Swiss adolescents in Zurich, Switzerland
- Community multiculturalism and self-reported immigrant crime: Testing three theoretical mechanisms
- A realist review on the police use of stop and search powers
- Thank you to reviewers
- What next for tests of the situational model of Situational Action Theory? Recommendations from a systematic review
- Examining ransomware payment decision-making among small- and medium-sized enterprises
- Interest in booter services and distributed denial of service attacks: Insight from Google search data
- Never bring a knife to a gunfight? Lethality of weapon use in Dutch homicides
- “Moving choice to center stage” in the relationship between the self and offending: Integrating symbolic interactionism and rational choice
- High- or low-risk prisoner, high- or low-risk ex-offender? Assessing the predictive validity of the level of service/risk-need-responsivity (LS/RNR) instrument among different subgroups of Danish prisoners
- Cross-country comparison analysis of individual and institutional factors of anomie and online offending
- Explaining youth aggression: A situational model of peer influence
- ‘Nobody had their back’: The differentiated deportability of Central and Eastern Europeans in the UK
- Dealing with privilege in a Nordic welfare state? How experiences with, and perceptions of, police, markets, and violence shape decision-making among affluent drug dealers
- Assessing the role of COVID-19 stressors on perceptions of police misconduct in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Corporate offending in Dutch inland shipping: A trajectory analysis
Punishment & Society
- America's extraordinary penal state: A structural explanation
- Who cares?: The burdens of care borne by the loved ones of incarcerated men
- Living through extended liminality: Reintegration experiences of génocidaire ex-prisoners in Rwanda
- Abolition compromised: How state-nonprofit funding dynamics undermine anti-carceral reform
- How do county-level ethno-racial composition and residential segregation influence pretrial decisions? Results from a multi-level, multi-decade study
- Book Review: ‘Star Men’ in English Convict Prisons, 1879-1948 by Ben Bethell
- Book Review: Sound, Order and Survival in Prison – The Rhythms and Routines of HMP Midtown by Kate Herrity
- Roxana Willis, A Precarious Life: Community and Conflict in a Deindustrialized Town
- Punitiveness and atrocity: Why do some Filipinos support mass violence?
- Borrowed legitimacy and beseeched resources: How competing professionals negotiate identities and forge symbiosis within Chinese community corrections
- The politics of abolition: Reframing the death penalty's history in comparative perspective
- The new prison God Pods: Religious neoliberalism and evangelical “Inmate Field Ministry”
- The politics of pretrial detention: Mapping the development of Swedish remand policy
- Book Review: Family Activism in the Aftermath of Fatal Violence by Elizabeth Cook
- Life without parole and euthanasia: The future unintended consequences of current sentencing policies
- Book review: Unravelling unauthorized migrants’ legal consciousness processes by Mieke Kox
- Book review: Scandal in Japan: Transgression, Performance and Ritual by Igor Prusa
- David Greenberg on prison abolition, an interview by John Clegg
- The ‘P-word’ in Indian juvenile justice: Toward a deeper understanding of legal rhetoric and practice
- Book Review: Children in Police Custody: Adversity and Adversariality Behind Closed Doors by Miranda Bevan
Theoretical Criminology
- Community Protection Warnings and the practices of the preventive state
- Caring states? Bureaucratic care, moral ideals and emotional dilemmas in British asylum and policing
- Editorial 2025
- “A good client gets arrested a lot”: Constructing and maintaining profitable subjects through marking and surveillance
- Concepts and conditions of penal moderation: Penal policy, public philosophy, and political ideologies. Theoretical reflections from Italy (2010–2018)
- The kindness of strangers: Trust, recognition, and the co-production of desistance
- Book Review: The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology by Gabriele Balbi
- Book Review: Making Information Matter: Understanding Surveillance and Making a Difference by Mareile Kaufmann
- Book Review: Invisible Mothers: Unseen Yet Hypervisible After Incarceration by Janet Garcia-Hallett
- Book Review: The Danger Imperative: Violence, Death, and the Soul of Policing by Michael Sierra-Arévalo
- Beyond ‘police discretion’: The need for a new conceptual vocabulary
- The family policing industrial complex: The shadow carceral state in sites intended for the support of families
- Introduction to special issue on dismantling the shadow carceral state
- Immigration detention as a shadow carceral system
- Banking in the shadows of the carceral state: Prisons, paternalism, and the regulation of money in prison trust accounts
- Reforming the shadow carceral state
- Reflections on the shadow carceral state
- The construction of intolerable punishments: On the value of documenting the pains of old prisoners
- Book Review: The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology by Victoria Cannings, Greg Martin and Steve Tombs
- 10.1177/13624806241288438