Edited by:
Ian Warren, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, ian.warren@deakin.edu.au
Nils Zurawski, University of Hamburg, Institute of Criminological Social Research, nils.zurawski@uni-hamburg.de
Elite professional sports and lower level sports receiving localized media coverage are important sites for many contentious surveillance practices. While the link between surveillance and sport might appear obvious, the connection remains significantly under-theorized and the subject of limited research. Various studies have examined crowd behavior or the adoption of contentious surveillance practices to monitor athlete and sporting integrity. Nevertheless, considerable gaps remain in applying knowledge about surveillance to the specific contexts of sports performance and governance.
This special edition of Surveillance & Society interrogates the complex relationships between surveillance and sport, by examining how surveillance is embedded in various methods of sports consumption, integrity management, athlete performance, patron safety and media dissemination practices. Our argument views many of these trends as pervasive, at times highly contradictory, and having the potential to drive contentious surveillance practices that seep into the routines of everyday life. In addition, many of these initiatives produce surveillance deficits that can undermine sports integrity. Without adequate examination through the lens of surveillance, many contentious elements of these practices that apply to athletes, sports fans and administrators remain unquestioned.
This edition seeks contributions that examine the relationship between surveillance and contemporary sport at professional, semi-professional or localized contexts.
We welcome papers in the following areas (and more):
- Theorizing surveillance and sport;
- Historical perspectives on surveillance and sport;
- Surveillance and sports governance (financial surveillance, surveillance and rule making, surveillance and law etc.);
- Surveillance deficits and integrity in contemporary sport.
- Surveillance and the body of the athlete (genetic testing, gender testing, anti-doping etc.);
- Athletes, celebrity and privacy (intrusive reporting, new media etc.);
- Political economy of surveillance and sport (sports brands, intellectual property etc.);
- Surveillance, consumption and sports audiences (venue security and controls, fan violence, ticketing etc.);
- Surveillance and sports mega-events;
- New / extreme sports and surveillance;
- Sport and self-surveillance, sousveillance, anti-surveillance etc.
We also welcome other subjects not outlined above, opinion pieces and research notes, as well as art, new media and other cultural responses. Please contact the guest-editors in advance to discuss proposed topics.
All papers must be completed and submitted electronically no later than 31st May 2013. Publication will be at the end of 2013 / early 2014.
Please read the author guidelines, and submit via the online system:
David Murakami Wood | Editor-in-Chief
Surveillance & Society | www.surveillance-and-society.org
the international journal of surveillance studies