Im Rahmen der Lecture Series „Out of the Dark“ an der Universität Hamburg spricht der norwegische Kriminologe Prof. Sveinung Sandberg (Universität Oslo) zu „Narrative Criminology“.
Sandberg ist Mitbegründer des internationalen und disziplinübergreifenden Forschernetzwerks der sogenannten narrativen Kriminologie.
Der Vortrag findet statt am kommenden Dienstag, den 19.12., um 18 Uhr in Raum 250 in AP1 (Pferdestall).
„The making and sharing of stories is an important part of the human condition. We use stories to communicate and reproduce in-group solidarity, and they provoke strong emotions. Narratives may be simultaneously entertaining and educational, and it is no coincidence that we tell children stories to help them understand and explore a chaotic world. Stories are good at making simple what is complicated. At the same time, some of the complexity is retained because stories by their very nature are ambiguous and open-ended. Narrative criminology is an emergent framework for the study of stories in criminology. Research within this tradition study the role the telling and sharing of stories play in committing, upholding and effecting desistance from crime and other harmful acts. In this talk Sandberg presents the theoretical and methodological pillars of narrative criminology and illustrates how it can be used in empirical research. Examples are from his own research and include studies of right-wing and jihadist terrorism, drug dealing, violence and street culture.“