Preparing critical criminology for the next 20 years.
The School of Criminology of Porto is turning 20 years. The last 20 years have brought a number of social, political and economic changes to western societies, and its impact on what is considered crime and deviance and organized ways to respond to it: terrorism, migration, cybercrime in all its forms and consequent cyber-surveillance to all citizens, the war on terror and the securitary drive.
At the same time, there has been significant scientific changes in the field of Criminology, especially Critical Criminology. One of the most striking is the disappearance, in the last years, of several renowned and deeply cherished scholars and thinkers such as Louk Hulsman, Alessandro Baratta, Jock Young, Patrick Hebberecht, Nils Christie, Stanley Cohen, who allowed for a transfiguration of mainstream Criminology.
Looking ahead at the next 20 years, how can we anticipate the influence these scholars might have on future topics or streams of research in Critical Criminology? Should Critical Criminology use what these scholars taught (concepts, theories, methods) to try to understand what the future holds in terms of researching crime and social control in western societies? How are we to do that?
The Spring 2016 CS intend to think about the next 20 years while recalling and updating what has been produced over the last 20, especially by those who were recently departed. More than a tribute, it is the continuing of a long-lasting practice of critique, dissent and critical analysis of the world we live in.
We welcome all papers dealing broadly with the proposed topic. Titles and abstracts should be send to until April 15th.
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