In Kooperation mit dem Surveillance Studies Blog veröffentlicht Criminologia Rezensionen von Bücher aus den Bereichen Überwachung & Kontrolle und Kriminologie. Weitere Rezensionen finden sich hier. Titel: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms HerausgeberInnen: Pamela Davies, … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberRezension: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms
social harm
Wasted potential – Towards a criminology of the financial crisis
Cool Criminology An undeniable advantage of being a criminologist is that it sounds cool. Granted, the coolness factor of saying, ‘I’m a criminologist’ wears off quickly, usually when you admit that you cannot solve crime, are not a profiler and know little about psychopaths. But criminology is … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberWasted potential – Towards a criminology of the financial crisis