By Diana Selck & Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger Abstract Background: Children and adolescent spend a great amount of their leisure time on the Internet and in virtual worlds such as online game landscapes. Online games are a significant meeting point for communication and interaction with strangers. … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberResearch-Article: Online games as risk generators for children and adolescents – Analysing risk factors in gaming environments
Summer School Course „Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods in Criminology“
Im Rahmen der Utrecht Summer School wird vom 14.-25. Juli 2014 der Kurs "Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods in Criminology" angeboten. Das Seminar wird von ReferentInnen aus fünf europäischen Universitäten geleitet und richtet sich an DoktorandInnen, die ihre Methodenkenntnisse für … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberSummer School Course „Advanced Qualitative and Legal Methods in Criminology“
Wasted potential – Towards a criminology of the financial crisis
Cool Criminology An undeniable advantage of being a criminologist is that it sounds cool. Granted, the coolness factor of saying, ‘I’m a criminologist’ wears off quickly, usually when you admit that you cannot solve crime, are not a profiler and know little about psychopaths. But criminology is … [Weiterlesen...] ÜberWasted potential – Towards a criminology of the financial crisis