1973 fand in Florenz die erste Konferenz der European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control statt. Die diesjährige Konferenz in Oslo (29. August – 1. September) markiert das 40-jährige Bestehen der Gruppe.
Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums veröffentlicht die European Group unter dem Titel „Critique and Dissent“ eine Anthologie mit ausgewählten Konferenzbeiträgen der letzten 40 Jahre – u.a. mit Beiträgen von Stanley Cohen, Jock Young, Sebastian Scheerer, Karl Schuhmann und René van Swaaningen (Inhaltsverzeichnis siehe unten).
Die Publikation ist über die Webseite der European Group zu bestellen. Der Preis beträgt ca. 23 Euro.
Critique and Dissent is to anti-criminology what Protest and Survive was to the anti-nuclear movement. Its 25 chapters provide a rich source for any critical scholarship of the state, deviance, harm, power, social control, punishment and regulation. And as an anthology, it is a fitting testament to forty years of a genuinely pan-European, critical organisation which remains a challenge to the theoretical, empirical and methodological boundaries of critical social science.
(Steve Tombs)
Critique and Dissent:
An anthology to mark 40 years of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
- Joanna Gilmore, J.M. Moore and David Scott
Critique and Dissent: an introduction
Section A: Theoretical priorities of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
- Joanna Gilmore, J.M. Moore and David Scott
Towards a ‘critical, emancipatory and innovative criminology’: an introduction to Section A - Maeve McMahon and Gail Kellough
An Interview with Stanley Cohen - European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control
Manifesto 1974 - Margherita Ciacci and Mario Simondi
A New Trend in Criminological Knowledge: The experience of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control - René van Swaaningen
The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control: Inspirations and Aspirations of a Critical criminology - Phil Scraton
The European Group: Marginal to What? - Andrea Beckmann
Louk Hulsman – In Memoriam - Stan Cohen
Panic or Denial: On whether to take crime seriously - David Scott
A disobedient visionary with an enquiring mind: An essay on the contribution of Stan Cohen - Working Group on Prison, Detention and Punishment
Manifesto 2013
Section B: Critique
- Joanna Gilmore, J.M. Moore and David Scott
The resources of critique: an introduction to Section B - Sebastian Scheerer
Law Making in a State of Siege: Some regularities in the legislative response to political violence - Emma Bell
Neo-liberal crime policy: who profits? - Dany Lacombe
The Demand for the Criminalisation of Pornography: A State-Made Ideological Construction or a Demand Articulated in Civil Society? - Ase Berge
Sexual Violence: The Gender Question as a Challenge to Progressive Criminology and Social Theory - Claus-Peter Behr, Dietlinde Gipsen, Sabine Klien-Sconnefeld, Klaus Naffin and Heiner Zillmer
The use of scientific discoveries for the maintenance and extension of State control – On the effect of legitimation and the utilization of science. - Paddy Hillyard
Zemiology Revisited: Fifteen Years On
Section C: Dissent
- Joanna Gilmore, J.M. Moore and David Scott
The politics of dissent: an introduction to Section C - Karl Schumann
On proper and deviant criminology – Varieties in the production of legitimation for penal law - Olli Stalstrom
Profiles in Courage: Problems of Action of the Finnish Gay movement in crisis - Welsh Campaign for Civil and Political Liberties
Women and the Strike: It’s a whole way of life - Bill Rolston and Mike Tomlinson
Long-Term Imprisonment in Northern Ireland: Psychological or Political Survival? - Susan Smith
Neglect as Control: Prisoners’ families - Karen Leander
The Decade of Rape
Appendix 1: 41 Conferences of the European Group
Appendix 2: Table of Contents from Books of Conferences Proceedings